passion vs. purpose.
I have been thinking about these two words a lot recently.
As I relaunch this site, and realign myself with the coming months, I ask myself what I am passionate about and what is my purpose. The two concepts to me are vastly different. I have passion projects I work on, for fun, like the 12Musketeers calendar, but then I have soul-calling, visceral core desires to teach the world about the meaning of your brand, break your business down to its core, and then build it up with beautiful visual ecosystems. It’s going to be an online course this year. I’m fully committed. But I digress. So purpose is the reason why you move forward. It is what you do. Passion is emotional, the motivation is feeling good, and it can be all over the place and messy.
Now, Carol Dweck, whose work on growth mindset should be a must-read book for all of humanity says, that interests and skills can lead to growth. That when you are good at something you can then be passionate about it. So in order to be passionate at something we have to feel good about it. The motivation is purely emotional. In order to have a purpose, we got to work. You can’t find purpose hanging around, you have got to build it through lots of self-inquiry and trial and error.
So I want to invite you, my friends, to separate out what you are passionate about from what you think your purpose is in life and in your business you are building, and ask yourselves, what is your super power? Who must you fearlessly become this year?
I dare you to answer in the comments.