brand strategy.

As visual designers, it’s sometimes hard to go backward and explain how we got to the pretty stuff. In my opinion, however, I have always done better and more sustainable branding work when I stopped and asked some hard questions. Over the last few years, I have realized that verbal branding—the precursor to visual branding—is work that I have not structured and offered in concrete ways to clients to really root down into their brand DNA.

So the time has come. Here are the fun ways you can collaborate with me to create the most aligned and sustainable brand for you so you can be real and clear on your brand in business and being.

Brand audit is a two-hour session (online or in person) to dissect what does and does not work with your existing brand. We deep dive into your brand strategy and DNA, think mission, vision, and values. We also dissect all the design visuals you have available, think logo, collateral, packaging, and social posts.

Anticipate tough questions, feedback, and clarity on where to take your brand next.

What you get:
• 2-hour strategy session
• clarity on your brand pillars and brand DNA
• feedback on your brand visuals
• options to continue to work with me

A full payment of $250 is due before the call.


The 1-on-1 Brand Anatomy are four deep-dive sessions—in person or via Zoom—each lasting approximately two hours. This is a non-negotiable precursor if you want to brand with me. The suggested pacing is one session per week. It is designed to give you enough time to digest our conversations, work on a few homework questions, and come back to the table eager to excavate more. Anticipate tough questions, feedback, and clarity on where to take your brand next.

What you get:

• Session 1
In the first session, we talk a lot about your brand in general and uncover the difference between your vision and mission. We also dig deep to find your core values and discuss the difference between your unique value proposition and your unique selling proposition. This session will illuminate what puzzle pieces we may be missing from your brand clarity.
-core values
-unique value proposition
-unique selling proposition

• Session 2
In this session, we start with reviewing the previous week’s homework and discuss your brand archetype (it’s one of my favorite pieces to branding). So fun! Then we deep dive into your clients, talk about the target audience, the competitive landscape, and who needs to be your ideal client.
-homework + recap
-your brand archetype
-target audience
-competitive landscape
-ideal client avatar

• Session 3
In our third session, we review our previous assignments once again, talk about your offer architecture, your tone + voice, your positioning statement, your elevator pitch, the look + feel of your company, and touch on marketing channels.
-homework + recap
-offer architecture
-tone + voice
-positioning statement
-elevator pitch
-look + feel
-marketing channels

• Session 4
We use the fourth session as a catch-all, final blueprint constructing get-together. I often find that as we start to fill out the final blueprint we get on tangents and start to refine things, and sometimes it’s something from the first session and sometimes it is something we thought we were completely firm on. This last session allows us to tie everything with a nice bow or just helps us catch the areas we didn’t pay as much attention to as we needed to. 

The full payment is due before the first call with no options for refund because I want you to be as committed to getting real and clear about every detail of your brand as I am. These sessions are chock full of brand clarity, raw conversations, deep reflections, and branding homework. It is hard, but fun, and very satisfying work.

So whether you want to dip your toes in or you are ready to take a plunge, I’m here to support you on your branding journey. Let’s do this! Contact me if you have any additional questions.