work with me
Hi, I’m Réka (ray-ka), and I’m wildly in love with the esoteric and ethereal as a lens to brand with intention and depth. When your brand has a beating heart and lung full of fresh air—it’s impossible not to fall in love with it.
read about me
I’ve been working with Réka for over nine years. She has supported me through multiple rebrands to bring to life the vision of my business. What sets her apart from the rest is her thoughtful question-asking to help bring clarity to what you’re offering and why you’re offering it. If you’re up to building a beautiful, modern, and (sometimes) spunky brand, Réka is your gal.
I went through Réka’s brand anatomy work in the midst of deciding to rebrand my existing business in a way that felt truer to not only my craft but my heart.
The thought-provoking branding questions and Réka’s intuitive insight and guidance pushed me through the discomfort of resistance and gave me the clarity and courage to look at and name what was holding me back, who I really, deeply am to my core, and what kind of life and business I want to create.